What does it take to pull out of every day life of repetitive tasks and paying bills and addressing immediate concerns?
Sometimes a shock, or a nagging idea that wakes you up at night and makes you pull out your sketchbook, or when no other option seems open to you, because your life would not seem RIGHT without that.
I don't think most people have just one dream, either. I think about the dreams I've had over the years:
Owning a horse (ages 4-14)
Meeting God (always in the back of my head)
Getting married (ages ? - never mind)
Having kids
Being a nun
Graduating from law school
Being a great belly dancer
Being financially stable
Having a career
Getting healthy
Going to Spain
And more. Some of these have happened, some not. Some I've released (such as owning a horse!) and some remain held in hope. Some happened without any planning at all. Some take a great deal of structure.
I read a passage in a book I am reading in my faith sharing group that essentially says, Sometimes just as there are no sufficient answers, the questions themselves are a mystery. Therein lies faith.
I marveled recently that my life has been pretty freakin amazing, and how did I get here? I do not have answers, simply gratitude, and wonder, and sometimes, faith.