The funny part is that I'm also a commitment phobe. After the heady rush of the falling in love stage, I'm usually eying the exit. Took me a while to catch on to that.
Relationships have been a huge topic of conversation this week. One friend who finally met someone in her life worth marrying is excited about the possibilities in the future. We talked about how there really is no rush to the altar. Any timeline is just in our heads.
I had a very teary talk with another friend with a terminal illness who told me that when she dies, she wants her husband to remarry, and she hopes that his choice is me. I told her that MY plan is for her to dance at my wedding to someone else, and about four years after she passes away, I will introduce him to my nicest friends. In the meantime, he wil always be invited to our home for Trival Pursuit and BBQ. I then begged her to never ever mention this conversation to her husband because I would just die.
I'm thinking about how when you know someone is right in your life, there is a sort of quietness about it. You're excited to see them, but there isn't a do-or-die feel about it. It's calm. And it isn't really public. It doesn't get played out across Facebook. Your friends don't get dragged in.
It's a lovely sort of blossoming that you may not even notice is beautiful, until it is right there in front of you, waiting to be seen.