I suppose as this is the first blog post, and as I am praying for the intercession of St. Michael, who I love, I should wait a few days and begin it on the Feast Day of the Archangels.
But when it is time, it is time, and apparently, now it is time.
Over the weekend, I had a few revelations, one being that my old blog, which gave me a lot of help during the last two years, had run its course and a new direction was needed. God reminded me that He gave this gift of writing in order to do beautiful things with it, to be true and open and help point the way to Him.
When you start writing what you think people want to read, as opposed to what really needs to be written, you drift from your purpose.
I have no great manifesto as I did with the start of my last blog, "Living My Manifesto."
I am not exactly sure where this will lead or what shape this will ultimately take. I do know perfection is not the goal. Showing up is most of life.
What I DO know that that there is a lot of beauty in the world, that God has infused my life with His Spirit, and I want to focus on that, not on the battles and backslides. I want to keep my eyes on Him, knowing that the Lord of All, who created me and blessed me and gives me purpose, is bigger than all evil!
Something else I know to be true, when I take my eyes off God, my vision gets clouded and my memory fades and then the demons of loneliness and doubt and despair (who really do prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls) shut my eyes completely to the knowledge that I am beloved Child of God... and so are you.
If God stopped thinking about us for one microsecond, we would cease to exist. Truth.
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