I have knee jerk reactions for certain times I pray.
Plane take-offs and landings and when it gets waaay bumpy. Ever since I read an article that said most plane crashes happen on takeoff and landing, I decided to say an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and St. Michael's Prayer during those times -or if I'm saying a rosary anyway, I just keep it up. It isn't even to "keep me safe." I just want my head in the right place if the plane does in fact crash.
That habit is now so deeply ingrained that when I actually WAS on a plane that crash landed, I found myself doing the exact same thing (while putting on the oxygen mask, of course!) (BTW, the most emotional part of being in a plane crash is NOT actually the crash itself, or even the screeching of the other passengers, it is watching all the moms with babies solemnly curling themselves around them and whispering love into their ears.)
So, these sorts of habits are quite useful.
I also say a rosary in my head when I'm on a treadmill or going running without Roxy. WITH Roxy, I'm talking to her most of the time.
So, yesterday, as I was doing planks with Jesse-the-Trainer, and I cast about for anything to think about except how much was I not enjoying the experience, I lit on the Hail Mary, which takes about 20 seconds to pray if you do so thoughtfully. Well, that makes planks WAY easier!
So, as I left training last night, all wobbly, I felt this WAVE of sadness pass over me and felt tears well up. I was like, Okay, God, WTF??
I finally had to talk to God about it because every time I've left the gym since we switched to evening workouts, I've been in tears within minutes.
Then God reminded me of how when my SIL and I would work out together in MN, she'd turn into a growly bear until we connected she needed to eat something right after working out. That made life better for everyone.
Hmm, well, the last time I ate was about 6 hours before. That never happened with morning workouts because I always ate breakfast beforehand.
I'm sad because I am hungry. Thank you, God, for pointing that out to me. I will try to talk to you first the next time.
Note to self: Eat something!
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