...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Niece Kat

My niece is awesome.  Now, I know I'm biased because she is also my Godchild, but seriously, I wish I was half as together at her age (18) as she is.

This is isn't even her birthday or feast day or anything.  I'm just overwhelmed at what a talented and beautiful and Christ-centered young woman she has become.

When I was a freshman in college, I was pretty much a hot wet mess.  I had skipped my senior year of high school and went from a fairly sheltered existence right into the exposed air of a large state university.  And promptly fell on my butt. I did not have a single sensible thought in my head for probably 2 years. 

To be fair, my brothers tried to help guide me, but I was utterly resistant.  I suspect it was only prayer that kept me from doing any really permanent damage (other than the head injury, but that's another story entirely!)

Everyone makes mistakes at college, and I'm certain Kat will have (and probably has had!) her fair share.  It is a time of adventure and risk-taking, after all.

Still her love for God shines through her very self, and as long as she continues to keep Christ as her guide, I cannot worry about her.  She is generally quite sensible as well, so no matter the circumstances in which she finds herself, she will be fine.

And if not, well, she has a Valkyrie for an aunt.

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