I used to work at a Catholic university where we started every meeting with, "Let us recall we are in the presence of God." I really liked that... although recently in the tumult of ADHD, I forgot where I was and opened a meeting with, "Let us recall we are in the presence of God..." to a chorus of laughter. I work for a state-run university now. We open meetings with, "Hey, according to the Naval Atomic Clock, it is 8AM... here are the activities the late folks are assigned to attend..." The only mention of God in such meetings is usually an exclamation of which I'm not sure He approves.
A few Advents ago, I joined with a few other ladies in head-covering during Mass. I wore a rather subtle black hair scarf, so no one actually knew I was covering my head, and that was fine with me. Lace mantillas don't have the cache they once carried. Still I knew, which was the whole point. I am in the presence of the Eucharist, and it reminds me to focus, that things are special, to sit up and take notice.
A few times when I was in a particularly low place, I would wear that head scarf around doing daily stuff... my own quiet reminder to myself that every moment of every day, I am in the presence of God.
Sometimes, we all need little tangible remainders that we are not alone. I keep pics of my peeps on my desk to remind me that no matter how rotten a day can turn out, there are people who love me despite knowing my flaws and who will let me live in their basements if everything goes pear-shaped. Some people wear rings to remind them or carry locks of hair or prayer books or Bibles, or maybe like me, carry a rosary in my purse or pocket.
We are human. We need something solid to hold on to sometimes just to remind us of what we know already, and it can't always be someone else's hand.
I do know, and all these things remind me, when I hold God's hand, everywhere I step is Holy and Sacred and in His Presence.
So need to remember this :)