...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Monday, December 3, 2012

Peace? Stoicism?

Philippians 4:6-7 is reminding me to not be worried, to talk to God and His peace will descend upon me.


Truthfully, it isn't so much that I am worried about anything, it more about being tired and disappointed.

I'm no Pollyanna.  I'm fairly practical.  I know that being human means we're all imperfect and that we regularly disappoint each other.  Neither am I a particularly trusting sort or very optimistic in general.  I believe in developing stoicism and becoming strong so that whatever happens, you will either survive it, or die honorably.

I also know from simple observation that the Lord working things out in His time does not necessarily correspond to my personal happiness at any given moment.  Job is an excellent example of this.  I don't suppose the first set of Job's children were all that excited about their part to play in God's plan.

Sometimes, it is just a wee bit hard to shake off the sadness when someone disappoints you, especially if one is sad about a host of other things when such things occur.  Sometimes, it is hard to take an eternal view, which is how God sees everything.

Still, I know, even when I don't FEEL it particularly, that the Lord does have plans for me, and you, and the disappointing people, and the hurting people, and the sad people, and the anxious people... plans for our good and not to hurt us, giving us a future and a hope.  (Jer 29:11-13)

When I am weary and sad, I try to hold on to that.


  1. (HUG) I honestly don't think the peace of the Lord is a trite, sappy, Hallmark-style peace, with people gazing misty-eyed into the distance. I think the Peace of the Lord is the peace to know that there will be Hard Times, but they won't last, and there will be fights, but they're worth fighting, because God is with us.
