...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Monday, October 14, 2013

One Foot Out the Door

I am still processing the time I had with God on the trip to Santiago.  There are little things happening that are underscoring some of the messages I received from Him while I was there.

Back when I was about 12 years old, a woman came to our Girl Scout troop and among the many other things she said, she said, if you knew that you would not get married until you are 40, what would you do in the meantime? Because that's what you ought to be doing.

I decided to take that attitude and apply it to my life.  I have had one foot out the door since I got here, my personality being what it is.  I was tihnking about when I lived in Winona, MN and how even though I was only there about 2-1/2 years, I felt so much more invested in the community than I am here, so what made the difference?

When I moved to Winona, I intended for that to be my permanent home. I bought a house, got involved in my church, got outside of myself and met a ton of people and participated in the community, not just my job stuff.

Being in Winona didn't work out long term, but I loved that community. I've been floating a bit in the meantime.

I am quite involved in the university community, but I realized I have not invested much in becoming part of the FLAGSTAFF community.  I've been renting for 5 years. (Now, I'm a renter by nature, not an owner, but I admit that I am getting tempted.) 90% of the events I go to are university-oriented.

So, I decided that I will behave as if I am here five more years, at least, take the long range view of things.

If an angel came from God and told me that I would be moving in 5 years, how would I live my life in the meantime?

Well, I just signed up for Spanish lessons.

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