...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Thursday, September 18, 2014

People Who Like You

So, I went home to Indiana this past week, with a quick trip to Boston after that.

I went to Indiana to be with my SIL whose mother passed away.  Her mom was a beautiful person who was so good to me, especially when I was a teenager.

In the midst of the sadness, there were a lot of funny and happy moments.  As the days went by, I found myself less anxious and sad.

Being around people who like you has that effect.  I get bursts of it here and there in normal life, but going someplace and having a wee lad shout, AUNT AMY IS HOME!! and flinging his arms around your legs has the effect of making you feel downright popular.  Lots and lots of hugs and tears and giggles and all those things that makes you feel so much less alone in the world.

Being with people who know you pretty well and want to be around you because they find so much about you positively endearing really does soothe over the rough patches of being in a tough world with people who see you as a means to an end, rather than an actual person.

There is strength in having people who remind you that you are more than a spreadsheet, or a target or Productive Contributor.  There is power in being reminded who you REALLY are -strong, resilient, honorable, true.  And there is simple joy in knowing you are loved, imperfect, but present, and real.

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