...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mad at the Risotto

I was cranky and exhausted last Friday.

As you know, I gave up refined sugar and am limiting other carbs.  One night, I had a Moscow Mule, forgetting entirely that there is ginger ale in that!  At that same dinner I had risotto, thinking it was a reasonably healthy choice.

When I looked it up online later, I may as well have had a big ol' piece of chocolate cake.  White rice risotto is hugely inflammatory as well as high glycemic index.

So my moody days after were very understandable, between that and my sugary drink.

I'm not mad at myself.  I don't get mad at myself over food, unless I binged.  I make the best choices I can with what is in front of me, and move on.

I'm mad at the risotto.  There it was, masquerading as healthy food.  I REALLY wanted the mashed potatoes, but no, I was being healthy.  I really REALLY wanted something off the gorgeous dessert menu, but no, I was being healthy.  I could have had either of the things I wanted more than RISOTTO with a zero sum difference in my body.

Stupid risotto.  You will never fool me again.