...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Friday, April 12, 2013

Little Joyful Things

I feel that it is when you most feel like total "fertilizer" that you need to step back and think about your abundant blessings.

Well, I do anyway.

So, setting aside my foul mood, nausea, tiredness, pain and angst, I am praising GOD for the many, many blessings He pours on my head every single day!  A short list:

1. I can physically do everything I want to do on a daily basis.  I can walk, run, tie my shoelaces, sit at a computer, smile, do my own hair, talk to everyone and hear their responses.

2. I have access to first-world medical care for those times I struggle with #1.

3.  I can read.  THANK YOU GOD!

4.  I have choices of abundant food.  I have access to anything I desire to eat, wear or use. I lack for nothing.

5. I have beautiful, kind and loving friends and family who believe in me and support my life decisions.

6.  I have job I really enjoy that pays me well.

7.  My co-workers ROCK!

8.  I live in a part of the globe that people from all over the world travel to see and experience.

9.  I have a neurotic little dog who is one of my best friends.

10.  I am blessed by a loving and caring God who really does think of me as one of His favorites!  :-)  He is especially fond of me.

Recognizing my blessings doesn't take away my physical pain, or a whole lot of angst, but it DOES remind me that in my self-centered focus on problems, I forget to see all the things that make life joyful and worth the effort.

Because it is.

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