...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Monday, June 30, 2014

25 Years and Counting

My best friend is AMAZING.

I admire her for so many things -mostly her ability to be my BFF for 25+ YEARS!  We've had rocky moments, as any relationship has, but we work through it.

We met my sophomore (her freshman) year at Purdue.  We were taking the same theatre class.  One day she had a question about a project and had seen me in the dorm, so went down to breakfast to see if she could catch up with me there.

Normally, I skipped breakfast, or grabbed a pop tart and ate it on the way. THAT day, though, they had chocolate chip coffee cake, so I was sitting down with that and a glass of milk, rejoicing in my good fortune.

We started talking that morning, kept it up that whole day and into the evening, and really, except for a few bleak moments, have been talking ever since.

Why?  Because she is AWESOME!!!

She can fix anything.  She can change spark plugs without benefit of light. She can stop an ugly spiral into darkness cold.  She is unrelentingly supportive of all my crazy dreams.  She really would let me live in her basement. (So would her mom, who is also awesome!)

She's a cool mom. She doesn't hover, has expectations, and is nice to her kids.  She loves her husband, and he loves her, and sometimes it is positively syrupy. (Her husband is really cool, too, though, so they match well.)

She has been there for me in some dark and ugly times.  She has been there during the "here, hold my beer, watch this!" moments.  She tells me exactly what she is thinking and doesn't pull punches, yet somehow makes me feel all loved and accepted while doing that.

She is fun!  I signed us up for belly dance classes 15 years ago, then told her about it, and she was all in.  I knew she would be.  She is one of the most adventurous people I know.

I would have married her 20 years ago, but for the whole Y chromosome thing.

Happy birthday, Tracy!  I will love you always and forever!

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