...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Friday, April 4, 2014

Showing Up

Lots of ups and downs and ups and slides and climbs and trips and flights this week.

Sometimes there is too much going on to be believed -sick friends and relatives, new love, job opportunities, crazy-making colleagues.  Trying to be in several places at once -Flagstaff, Detroit, Knoxville, Evansville.

But here are bright spots from the last couple weeks:

Him:  I love you because you are beautiful and Catholic and smart and kind and sweet and... (a few other lovely things)
Me: (pause)  Wait!  Did you just say you love me???
Him: (pause)  Why yes.  Yes.  I do love you.
Me: That is awesome, because I love you, too.

(and then the heavens opened and a choir of angels sang the Hallelujah chorus while dancing on rainbows or maybe that part was just in my head)

While dumping out the drainage bulbs attached to my SIL...
Me: Crap. I just spilled the drainage cup all over me.
SIL:  It's okay. I won't make you lick it up.
(barely made it to the bathroom in time to retch, SIL laughing hysterically. Score one for the patient.)

My 11-yr-old nephew curling into my arms and whispering in my ear:  Aunt Amy, I miss you.  I love you. I miss you.  Wanna watch me play Minecraft?

Geeking out meeting Shannyn Caldwell and she geeked out on meeting me.  That was cool.

Getting a free First Class upgrade to Detroit.

Getting to work out at a local gym for free.

Running on a treadmill at a 6 incline with no pain at all.

Lots of time to try new recipes and a SIL to try them out on.

Remembering and living that Love Means Showing Up.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading the "bright spots from the last couple weeks". In particular, I enjoyed reading the "Him" and "Me" exchange. I wonder who the "Him" is. "Him" must be a really wonderful man. Maybe you shouldn't let him get away. :)
