...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thank You to the Red-Headed Young Woman in Sprouts

After off-and-on sleep, I was jarred awake just before noon by my phone reminding me I was supposed to be in the car on my way to meet a friend for lunch.  I flew into clothes and shoved Roxy unceremoniously into the garage and drove like a demon. 

Whew! I was groggy and still exhausted, but I was at least present and only 15 minutes late.

After our lovely lunch during which I consumed an unholy amount of coffee, I decided to run over to Sprouts and get some more chocolate covered almonds from the bulk food section. The store was VERY crowded. I was very tired. I decided since I was just getting one thing, I would be fine.

I successfully got a couple scoops into the plastic bag, pulled the tab to write the number onto said tab but the pen-on-a-rope was running out of ink.  I tried to use part of the crate display next to it to get legible script.

I gently shoved the display pile of sesame-covered-somethings just hard enough to cause several of the packages to crash to the floor, one exploding in seemingly slow motion in a truly spectacular fashion.


I sighed, plopped my purse on the ground and started crawling around amid the crowded shopping carts to gather up all the little sesame-covered-somethings that seemed to multiply upon impact.  I got glares from other impatient shoppers.  I was proud of myself for resisting the urge to simply sit on my behind and cry.

As I continued to clean up my mess, I saw out of the corner of my eye a small red-headed young woman with a knit cap kneel next to me to help me scoop up it all up.  She looked like a college student.

"Thank you," I muttered, feeling grateful but mostly feeling embarrassed and tired.

She smiled brightly, "No problem, I drop things and make messes all the time.  No big deal."

I know I didn't smile, I was too focused on feeling miserable to do anything other than nod soberly.  She chatted a bit, very friendly, and together we quickly finished.  Before I could say thank you again, she had disappeared.

I took the food that had been on the floor to a Sprouts employee, explaining what it was.  My intended purchase was left behind as I fled out the door.  I was just too close to tears to risk standing in the check-out line.

Once I got to my car, I thought about how kind that young woman was.    I wished I had been more openly grateful.  Hopefully she realized my silence was about being embarrassed, and not ingratitude for her help.

So, whoever you are -and maybe we will run into each other again some day- thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, Sprouts is a magnet for some of the snottiest people (I go there a lot). When there is no Whole Foods, this must be the next best option ;) But it was like my Philly cashier the other day - she looked like she was having a bad day, and we were having a rough weekend at home...and I think we made each other feel better! She knew you needed help; God gives us those rare but special people. Going there very early in the morning, or later in the afternoon, makes a difference, I have learned :)

    Oh, I I spilled two six packs of soda to the floor there this weekend :/
