...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Food Trippin!!

I was going to blog about The Incident at the Nightclub that occurred last night, but then I decided that it wasn't that interesting to anyone who isn't me, so today, it is about eating well while traveling.  My trainer's blog inspired my writing today: http://thecoddingtonfour.blogspot.com/2013/03/nutrition-on-budget-beginning-search.html#!/

I travel a LOT for work.  It can be really challenging to eat healthy while you are traveling.  It combines the perfect opportunities for me to make choices that inhibit my goals:  being tired, being in an unknown place, uncertain timing for food opportunities, being really hungry, and LOADS of junk food right there for the taking.  Especially in airports, finding anything that won't completely trash my stomach can be an impossible task.

On the bright side, because I eat out so much, I do not view dining out as something special or an opportunity to splurge.  That is really important -a meal out is only normal eating unless something actually special is going on -like a date, or anniversary, or birthday or something.  Eating out cause ya gotta eat is just a normal dinner someone else is cooking for you.

Planning ahead is really important, too.  Looking at my flight schedules and packing nutritious snacks is essential.  First of all, it is cheaper to pack your own than troll the airport hoping to find something that isn't packed full of chemicals.  It also staves off hunger enough to not reach for a Cinnabon when my hunger takes over my decision-making.  I also pack protein shakes for the hotel room.

If I can, I eat at the grocery store as much as possible.  Right now, my hotel room fridge is holding water, yogurt, muscle milk and an Odwalla shake.  Breakfast and snacks are thus super easy and readily available.

When I can't-or choose not to- eat at the grocery store, I pick what is healthy at the restaurant.  I do have an occasional splurge, but only on stuff REALLY worth it... like yesterday for lunch I had the most amazing mac n cheese from a local cheese shop with an attached lunch counter, and a mixed green salad with it.

I drink water water water all day, once I've gotten enough coffee in my system to operate effectively.  Again, an occasional splurge (like the Grey Goose/Cranberry drinks at the nightclub last night!) but I don't drink my calories.  I'd much rather have cheesecake than wine.

This trip to San Francisco was easy making food choices.  This gave me the energy to do everything I wanted to do -include stay out well past my bedtime dancing my booty off, and get up in the morning and get back to work!

Nutrition does actually matter.

1 comment:

  1. You can indulge only so many times while on the road, so that can be so difficult. When I would travel for work, I always seemed to struggle to find a healthy breakfast, which sets the tone for the rest of my day! Grocery store = best bet. Not always possible, but it's my preference! :)
