...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mixing It Up

I crumbled this week about working out.  I'm a fairly stoic person and power through the difficulties and rarely take the fact something is HARD as a reason to not do it.

Lately, I've felt my work-outs have all been like that.  Struggling with asthma, I've had more indoor running on a treadmill than outdoor running in the sunshine.  With my back going out periodically, I've started and stopped heavy lifting more times than I care to think on.

So, I have great hard-hitting workouts for a couple weeks, and then, I'm back to doing whatever it is my body can do with an injury or asthma or ...

My latest hiccup has been a rib that slid from its proper place that is occasionally stabbing me and stealing my ability to breathe.  Despite my chiro's best efforts, it is not cooperating.

I'm dying of boredom on a treadmill.  This slipped rib keeps me from even being able to run on it, or anywhere else for that matter.

The Sunday night dance classes I loved may return, but who knows?

I know some of my impatience comes from the immediate circumstance of my body not being up to the challenges I've set.

Some of my impatience comes from a perceived lack of progress in MONTHS... I grimly realized that when I started running last year, I ran for one minute, walked for two.  I've progressed to:  run for one minute, walk for two.  I've regressed in terms of strength.

It's discouraging.  Downright disheartening.

How long can you power through something with no measurable results and no motivation other than this vague sense that your life will be worse if you don't?

So, I talked to my Roxanne and my Jesse.  Roxanne said, well, what worked for awhile isn't working any more.  What do you need to do to change it?  Jesse asked me what my goals are.  I don't know the answer to either question.

So long ago when we were taught- That for whatever kind of puzzle you got- You just stick the right formula in- A solution for every fool- (Indigo Girls, Least Complicated)

That's me, looking for the formula.

Jesse had some ideas we will implement.  I've found a couple fitness classes that will be challenging, but at least something NEW for morning workouts.

I just need to figure where I hid the "fun" and get it out again.

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