...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

No Flaming Food!

So, in the interests of taking a more holistic approach to my ADHD and asthma issues, I met with Jo The Fabulous Registered Dietician to discuss nutrition.  Anti-inflammatory food is the plan.

She had fabulous ideas, mostly around the disheartening information that my current main food source  (refined sugar) does not help either condition very much.  Increase omega3, decrease omega-6, I can try eliminating dairy, but that isn't actually necessary.  Got the food lists and talked about ideas for alternatives to candy, mostly which consisted of adding Nature's Candy, ie, fruit.

But since Jo is just about the most positive and encouraging human I have ever met, she added, "You know, you were really, really sick, and that takes a lot out of you.  Yes, you have emptied Target of their Reese's Cups inventory, but don't be so hard on yourself.  Let's focus less on eliminating sugar, and more on adding in more veggies and fruit, and you will naturally wean off the sugar."

She added, "Don't  set yourself up for failure by expecting perfection.  Let's release all the guilt and negativity about any food at all.  It's not worth the mental anguish.  It is just food."

Having very little patience with myself when I am not at full production speed, this reminder is both disheartening and necessary.  I wanted her to say, here, eat this and you will feel so much better.

That isn't how this works.

As I prep for my trip to Spain, one of the things I have had to release to the will of God is the very idea of walking the Camino -my whole purpose for planning this trip! I am exhausted and easily become too tired to simply walk a mile,much less 12-15 for days at a time. In five weeks either I will be capable of the walk or I won't.  I will show up in Spain and figure it out.  I release myself from a performance based vacation.

I promised myself and God to act like I love myself, and I would never bully and push someone I love to do something they just couldn't do at the moment, for whatever reason, physical, mental, emotional. 

Part of this love is to take loving care of myself, eat well, build my strength, and just show up.

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