...it is not by the sword or the spear that the Lord saves...1Sam 17:47

I will dance and resist and dance and persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than death. “ — Suheir Hammad

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Last Day of the Vacation

Man, I am so not ready to start my usual routine.  Tomorrow actually involves leaving the house somewhere around 6AM and returning somewhere around 7pm.  Let me tell you, the dog who runs this household is VERY unhappy with me on Mondays! Such a Monday also takes the kind of planning usually reserved for invading foreign countries.

Honestly, it doesn't help that the VAST majority of my "vacation" sucked eggs.  I'm all like, hey, I'm ready to have some fun finally... AAAAND it's back to the office for me!!

Still, I am determined to cultivate a positive attitude.  At least my back going out did not affect my job in any way.  That's good, right?

I'm sure there is something else to be happy about regarding this situation, if I really think about it.

I woke up this morning and not one single thing hurt.  My back did not ache even a tiny bit, and when I thoughtlessly twisted to pick my shoes up off the floor, did not feel so much as a twinge.  My heel, which started hurting back in Sept (coincidentally when I started running regularly) did not hurt even a tiny bit.

I did stop a moment to marvel at the absence of pain.  That is, indeed, rather rare.  I wondered for a moment if I was awake, actually, or if this was a super vivid dream.  Then I stubbed my toe and it confirmed my consciousness.

As my fav author, Robert Jordan, once wrote in Crossroads of Twilight, "Sometimes, pain is all that lets you know you're alive."

Still, when all the swearing was said and done, it occurred to me how grateful I was to simply feel fine.  It seems like such a small thing, one's health, but it affects so, so many different things.  Being able to drive without any pain, walk across the room, stand upright, pick things up off the floor, carry anything, stand for more than 5 minutes, sit for more than 10 minutes, without wincing or hobbling, or suddenly stopping because some unexpected stabbing pain took your breath away.

I've pondered a bit about my response when I return to work tomorrow and everyone asks me how my vacation was.  Do I lie and say, "oh fantastic!"?  Be truthful and say, "So happy I survived!"?

I think I will stick with a nice middle ground:  It was good to have some time away.

1 comment:

  1. Good choice! My vacation ended last Thursday (why we couldn't have waited until tomorrow to start back instead of having a 2 day week, I'll never know). So, tomorrow I start a 5 day week, and TODAY I wake up to pain in my knee. So, I feel your pain (so to speak) in this topic. Glad you are on the mend- wish me luck as well!
